Dental X-Ray, Budapest, III. kerület - Periapical X-ray (Dentistry) 1 clinics' services (118 Dentist, 114 Orthodontist, 114 Dental technician, 114 Dental assistant, 114 Oral surgeon)
Description, questions
Dental X-rays at the right dental treatment is based. It is not unusual that a lesion or disorder is diagnosed by conventional oral examination. Small X-ray will be: used to prepare fast, simple X-ray used to determine complaints of a tooth. Intraoral X: Extremely detailed and informative. Frequent use of root canal treatments required. Panoramic X-ray: before more complex procedures, dental implants, other oral surgery, orthodontics, góckutatáskor an indispensable tool for the clinic. It can not be substituted in the 1-2 small tooth dental X-ray images. Periapical X-ray: the so-called. periapical (periodontal root tip) radiograph is generally used for identification of problems during a gum which affect the jaw or the gum tissue, for example, will cut through correctly, abscess, cyst, tumor or other disorders of bone mass. Tele-ray: X-type used in orthodontic treatment planning.