Dermatology, Budapest, III. kerület 8 clinic (24 Dermatologist, 28 Allergist)
Description, questionsCorns Test, Remove, Budapest, III. kerület
The corns epithelial thickening occurs as a defense and protects the bone against pressure and repeated rubbing. The corns terminates in a conical szarucsapban which nerve endings and causes excruciating pain. Since corn consequential state, so even removal from laserrel can only lead to lasting success if the underlying cause is treated appropriately.
Dermaroller Therapy, Budapest, III. kerület
The Dermaroller therapy is one of the latest anti-aging procedures in aesthetic dermatology. The treatment is based on the skin surface, tiny pinprick dropped to 250 per square centimeter covered with a very fine, sharp-tipped spikes roller. Due to the damage done by a small biological activators are starting to be produced, which trigger the skin's own regeneration mechanism.
Nail Fungus Laser Treatment, Budapest, III. kerület
The treatment is carried out special falling in the wavelength range around the infrared laser devices. The laser light is converted into heat in the körömlemezben, which kills the fungus. Some clinical studies have shown that triggers the laser photochemistry and photobiology körömlemezben the reaction that triggers an immune response against the fungus.
Removing Atheroma, Budapest, III. kerület
The atheroma, also known as atheroma or a benign sebaceous gland, located just below the skin, firm, encapsulated lesions. kivezetőcsövének sebaceous glands cause of the blockage. As a result of atheroma can reach cseresznyényi, nut sizes.
Hair Loss Treatment, Budapest, III. kerület
If a hundred a day, or even more hairs fall out, be sure to consult a professional. distinguish between two groups in relation to abnormal hair loss: reversible processes and permanent hair loss. The treatment is intended to give both kinds and eliminate the root cause.
Biopsy, Budapest, III. kerület
All types of dermatological (inflammatory cancer, hereditary, autoimmune) disease histological diagnosis can be performed traditional histopathological, immunofluorescence and if necessary modern methods (immunohistology, molecular techniques). R nVálogatott known cases. frozen sections examination occurs during surgery. R nThe material removed for microscopic examination sections are made. is the histology of them during the examination, which includes the diagnosis, which is the need for further action to be taken based on the doctor can decide.